About The Session
This is me mixing a song to the point of first delivery to the client. Raw mixing, fly on the wall in the session. The only edit is in the middle, when I had to take a break for a meeting, but no changes were made in the meantime.
The Setup
This video starts at the point after I had prepared the files for mixing. I’d clip-gained to suit my gain structure, routed and grouped tracks, sending them to approriate busses in my mix template, patched in all the hardward. It’s a mix from the begninning of the mixing process.
Hardware Used
A Bus: Vintage Designs VDC
B Bus: Gem Audio Preceptor
C Bus: Manley NuMu
D Bus: Focusrite Mixmaster
Drum Slam Compressor: DBX 160VU (pair)
Vocal Mult: Hart Audio Federal + Amek CIB + Avalon 737 + Focusrite ISA430mkII
Mix Bus Processing: Elysia Karactor -> Focusrite Red 3 -> TK Lizer (m/s mode) -> IGS Tubecore 3U
Hardware effects: EMT140 (mono), TC Electronic Reverb 4000, Line6 Echo Pro
Mixer: SSL Sigma